Video, Wellness

How to Stop Heartburn and Reflux

Your heartburn is not caused by too much acid!! Taking medications for heartburn may help with the symptom, but it [...]

Health Conscious, Video

Get Healthy Winter Tip

Get some fresh air this winter!! The furnace may be filtered but it blows dry, stagnant air and you know [...]

Video, Wellness

Why You Need Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient for overall health, playing a vital role in numerous bodily functions. Here are several [...]

Diet, Video

Do Supplements Make You Healthy?

Supplements can play a role in maintaining health, but they are not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Here are [...]

Immune, Video

How to Get a Strong Immune System

Maintaining a strong immune system involves a combination of healthy lifestyle choices, a balanced diet, and good habits. Here are [...]

Digestive, Video

How to Get Rid of Heartburn and Get Off Antacid Medication

To manage heartburn and potentially reduce or eliminate the need for antacid medication, you can adopt several lifestyle and dietary [...]