Video, Wellness

Mammography vs. Thermography

Mammography and thermography are both imaging techniques used for breast health screening, but they differ in their approach and methodology. [...]

Diet, Video

Fix Your Belly Problems

Food can cause chronic belly problems through a variety of mechanisms. The relationship between diet and digestive health is complex, [...]

Diet, Video

Using My Hurom Juicer to Make Lemon Juice

Part of a regular routine at my house is making organic lemon juice! Whole lemon juice. I use it in [...]

Immune, Video

What You Can Do Now to Prevent Cancer

Preventing cancer involves a multifaceted approach that includes adopting a healthy lifestyle, making informed dietary choices, engaging in regular physical [...]

Mental Health, Video

Penny’s Story: Thermography Results

Let's hear what Penny can tell us about why she chose thermography and what her results are.Thermography is a medical [...]

Mental Health, Video

Intro to Penny’s Story: Overcoming Fear of Breast Cancer

I invite you to join me on a journey, a Woman's Health Journey, as she goes through the steps to [...]